Robin's Story for Teach Me To Fish

Executive Director Message

I believe it’s possible to completely transform the lives of at-risk youth. I believe this because it happened for me.  My name is Robin Gordon Jr., Executive Director of the 

Teach Me To Fish program. 

When I was a sophomore in high school, my GPA was a 1.5. I thought I was stupid; so why try?  My parents were poor.  I knew there was no college fund waiting for me, and my grades certainly wouldn’t get me into college, so I didn’t see much of a bright future.

Celebration Tabernacle Church, my family congregation, reached into my life, invested in me, somehow got me to graduate high school, and begged the college, Northwest Christian College, to take me.  They highlighted the change in the last 2 years to convince the college I had changed. I graduated college with a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, and I’ve been helping others ever since.

The name Teach Me To Fish is from the proverb that if you give a person a fish, they eat for a day.  But, if you teach a person to fish, they eat for a lifetime. That’s the power of investing in people, rather than meeting a short-term need.